6 second-hand finds for $30

secondhand 1a

With baby #2 I’m very aware of how quickly kids outgrow their clothes. We had a giant bin of 0-3 month hand-me-downs from my sister-in-law and my cousin, and I think Wesley only wore about 3 things before we were rummaging through the 3-6 month bin! Although it’s fun to buy a few items of clothing brand-new, I’m really trying to find things second-hand this time around. I recently did a little shop at Once Upon a Child (love this store!), and got some great clothes for even greater prices… 6 pieces for $30. Here’s what I found (clockwise from top):

1. little white bucket hat, Gap. $4.50 (currently selling new at Gap for $19.99!)

2. striped onesie, Carters. $1.50

3. skinny jeans, Gap. $5.50

4. white sneakers, Old Navy. $4.50

5. sailor pants, Tommy Hilfiger. $5.50

6. chambray jumpsuit, Gap. $8.50 (this was the best score… it’s currently selling new at Gap for $39.95!)

Here’s Wes… pretty serious about his skinny jeans and sneakers:

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And loving his chambray jumpsuit…

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

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