Sadie’s 2nd Birthday

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oh man. My little girl is two. I’m totally loving this age… all the talking, activities, cuddles, curiousness, singing, dancing, playing… she’s the best! And this party was way too much fun to put together for her. She was really pumped about it too and kept singing Happy Birthday! I went with a bunny theme since there was an abundance of Easter-related things at the stores right now. Here are some pics!

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The invitation: I hand-drew the little bunny and included a flower crown of course 🙂

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guests were encouraged to wear bunny ears and most happily obliged!
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I loved putting together the treats table.

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homemade carrot cake and an attempt at birchbark icing!
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enjoying a cupcake with her best buddies
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pin the tail on the bunny!

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loot bags ~ adopt a bunny! Coming up with names was my favourite thing!
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{Sadie picked Tulip.}

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This guy.
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Wes has had too much Birthday and Sadie’s assisting 🙂