I knew I’d be busy… but I didn’t expect this.

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When we found out we were expecting our second child, we realized that having our kids so close in age (14 months) had its benefits as well as disadvantages. Benefits included that they will grow up and be so close, we can be done with the baby stage a lot sooner, perhaps potty train at the same time, etc. The biggest disadvantage would perhaps be the busy part. During my pregnancy, everybody liked to remind me of this when they saw Sadie, and then saw my growing baby bump—from the random old woman at the mall to the grocery cashier to my friends and family. A coworker even jokingly asked if I was insane. Many people also wondered about Sadie and how she would react. I wondered too of course. But when people asked, I said that she’s so young, she’ll probably just be indifferent and may not even notice her brother. I tried to look up articles or resources about preparing your firstborn for the second child, and all of the sites and articles I found said to talk to your child about it and let them participate in all the preparation. They assumed the child was around two and would understand. When Sadie rested her head on my bump, I’d talk to her about her brother but didn’t expect much of a response or reaction.

Then, Wesley was born. My sister was able to come and stay at our house with Sadie while we were at the hospital overnight and during the day (Wesley was born at 5:30am). When my sister noticed that Sadie seemed a bit confused that her parents weren’t home, she decided to sit her down and tell her all about her brother. She took a few adorable photos of Sadie’s reaction to hearing she had a brother. Genuine excitement. And, after a rocky first encounter at the hospital… (Sadie took one look at Wesley and slapped him right in the face) …something totally unexpected happened in the next few weeks. She showed us an incredible love and admiration for her brother. In the first couple of days, she would smile and laugh and try to get as close as possible to him in my arms, poking his lips. When we would tell her to be gentle and pull her away from him as she tried to climb right on top of him in his chair, she would cry and try again and again, finally showing us after a few attempts that she was merely trying to rest her head on his little body and give him a hug. If he started crying in the living room while she was eating a meal in the kitchen, she would crane her neck in the high chair to see him, looking so anxious and concerned. I would say, “It’s Wesley… should mommy go get him?” and she would gravely nod her head.

And the best thing that I never expected is the pride she has for her brother. Sadie only says a few words with certainty so far—Momma and Dadda, and then the occasional word such as bubbles, banana, yah… up. Her third consistent word is “brother”. When I come into the room holding Wesley, she excitedly points and says, “Bah-Bahhh… Bah-Bahhh!” When I come to pick her up from daycare, Wesley in tow in the double stroller, she points and laughs and says “brother” over and over again, to other parents, to her teachers, to the kids… to anyone who’s listening. That’s her brother.

Yes, I knew I’d be busy. I knew this would be a challenge…. That I would be sleep deprived, shower deprived and me-time deprived. That the house would get messy, laundry would double, one child would cry while I held the other one, both children would cry, I would cry. But what I didn’t expect was that I would get to be witness to the inseparable bond of sibling hood, right from the beginning of the relationship… even though my daughter is only 14 months old.

I know their relationship won’t always be perfect and that there may be a few more slaps in Wesley’s future, but for now I’m going to embrace this crazy busy time and enjoy watching their love for each other grow.

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updated blog!


Hey guys! I’ve deciding to switch platforms and blog on Word Press instead of Tumblr. You can still find all of my old blog entries in the archives. And I know I always say this, but I hope to be more intentional about keeping up the blog. I also hope to share some longer and more authentic posts about motherhood and everything that comes with it. Thanks so much for reading!

*photo from our engagement shoot by When He Found Her... just three years ago and before our two babies came along!

Sadie’s Spring Birthday

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A couple of weekends ago, Sadie celebrated her first Birthday with family and close friends at a Spring-themed Birthday party! I had far too much fun putting this party together and prepared all week. She had an awesome time seeing everyone, pointing at her stuffed animals adorned with flower crowns, and devouring a cupcake for the first time. Here are some details about the party.

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{all ready for guests to arrive}

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{The invites: I hand-drew the flower borders and picked fun fonts.}

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{The main table: complete with containers of treats for the little ones}
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{Party favours: on the vintage secretary desk by our front door}
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{Flower crowns: Sadie wore hers for about 5 seconds! The stuffed animals were much more reliable.}

hot chocolate bar

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How cute is this little hot chocolate bar? My 1930s secretary desk (found here) proved to be the perfect piece of furniture to host it, especially with its vintage mint-painted interior. I love this idea for a winter wedding, or just a fun place for your guests to hang out (In my case, my sweet nieces).

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{here’s the set-up… just bring over your cup of hot chocolate and add the toppings}

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{cuties enjoying their cocoa}

baby #2

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It’s true! We’re expecting baby #2 next May. Sadie will be a little big sister! We are surprised but very excited to be growing our family so quickly. Our babes will be 14 months apart! So by 14 months, Sadie will be toilet trained, fetching my coffee and changing the new baby’s diapers, right?! I’m definitely getting a lot of “you’re going to be busy!” comments. I believe it! But I also think that any age difference between kids has its challenges. For now, Sadie, the new babe and I are in a blissful bubble of innocence, just enjoying these last few months of maternity leave before I go back to work in January. Below are some outtakes of photos from our shoot with a giant #2 balloon! It took several photos over a few days to get a good shot!

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{I’m loving this last one ~Sadie’s skunky look.}

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{My baby and bump #2. 16 weeks.}

Halloween play date

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Babies in costumes are totally my new favourite thing. I love dressing up for Halloween (see my costumes of Halloweens past here), but this year, it was all about Sadie and her friends. I’ve been getting together every week with a few other Moms ~ we call ourselves the Marsh Moms because of our close proximity to the Marsh and our many play dates there. Our weekly dates have made my maternity leave so much fun… it’s really important to have a great group of mom friends to swap the good and bad stories with! Here are a few of our ridiculous photos from our Halloween play date, courtesy of my friend Miriam. Hope you all had a very happy Halloween!

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{the babies posing in their costumes}

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{Sadie and her owl friend ~ holding hands!}

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{leaning on her lion/gryphon buddy}

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{the smiling Strawberry ~ check out those 2 teeth!}

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{and we all successfully (very seriously) carved a pumpkin somehow! Yes!}

vegetable garden update

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I had some success this year with my first ever vegetable garden! My first garden post (read here) showed my tiny tomato plants. They ended up getting out of control! So many tomatoes! It was pretty rewarding to supply R’s lunch salads with fresh garden tomatoes. I look forward to next year’s garden—tomatoes, lettuce, kale, basil, and attempting green beans again.

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{here they are!}


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{Sadie taking her pick and then munching on a ripe yellow tomato.}………………………………………………………………………………

vegetable garden

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One of my goals this summer was to start a vegetable garden. I was very lucky to have some help from family members… my sister planted all my seeds indoors in little pots when Sadie was just born, and now that the plants are growing and have been planted outdoors, my father-in-law and R. built me a beautiful garden bed! We used this instructional video for inspiration. I had my first yield of green beans and dill! And then all the bean plants and dill were eaten by a cute little bunny. I guess that’s okay. I still have basil, lettuce and tomato plants going strong though!

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First I dug up the sod, and then lay down landscape fabric.


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R. and my Father-in-law putting the garden bed together.


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Enjoying fresh lettuce in salads is pretty awesome!


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first yield of dill and green beans.
